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Episode 99: Retreats for Extroverts and other issues

It’s a mega-feedback episode. We explore whether silent retreats are really good for extroverts, what we think of demons and the demonic and pick up on how our themes are going. All this, and a stunning lack of planning for the imminent 100th episode.

Mid-faith Crisis
Mid-faith Crisis
Episode 99: Retreats for Extroverts and other issues

1 thought on “Episode 99: Retreats for Extroverts and other issues”

  1. Hello Joe,You recently mentioned an opportunity to visit you in Worthing and talk about the worshipping group you are in with the idea of trying to do something similar. I may have missed the gist altogether and couldn’t find anywhere else to ask about this.
    If this is a correct recollection and there are still spaces available, could you add my wife, Rosie, and myself, Phil, to the list.

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