Good news
Good news – You belong. Your life matters!
Good news: There is a way of kindness and love, where you can live in harmony, with yourself, with other people and with the earth. There is a love that is free, open, inclusive of all people and available to you right now.
Good news: There is an inexhaustible amount of Divine resources available to you, all you have do is take the brave step to accept them.
You are loved, you are not here by accident, you are more than simply atoms, molecules and synapses, you are also Spirit and your life matters. There is a divine presence and power that is the creative source of the universe/multiverse. This source is all around in all things, every single particle and space, and is conscious of and aware of you. This Source is benevolent and kind, this Spirit loves all things, all people – including you.
Good news: Life never ends. Death and rebirth is the pattern or the universe/multiverse, it’s the pattern of our bodies, this moment is eternal.
To learn to live a life of love, joy and peace requires well informed effort. It does require unlearning some things and learning a whole new way of living and being on the planet. Our guide for the journey is Jesus the Christ, who sets before us a pattern and framework by which we can embrace this full kind of living.
We are fragile and we fail and stumble, but the Divine grace is inexhaustible, so join a community of encouragement where you can train to put on this whole new life. Join a community where you can belong and be free to become the best version of you, the you were always created to be. Set free from the fears, addictions, insecurities and all else that prevents you living life to the full.
What stops you?
Open yourself up to the Divine love.
Good news – it’s here now.
Warning: Your investment in the kingdom of God may go up as well as down. (That’s a joke!) Christians can be mean as well as kind. Communities are full of ‘works in progress’ learning to say sorry and to genuinely forgive people is a requirement. Such an inclusive love, of people and the environment will give you a passion for justice and can bring you into direct opposition with dominating, controlling, and evil power structures and so following the way of Jesus may involve persecution, suffering and premature death. But hey. It’s worth it!
Joe, I am catching up so just reading this properly whole listening to ep125.
Thank you. I really like Your Good News. I think it’s very similar to my own at the stage of faith redevelopment I now find myself (aged 53).
Most significantly, I’m considering sharing it with my 28yr old daughter, who stepped away from Christianity (and, I think, faith) over the past 2 or 3 years despite having worked for a Christian charity and being, even now, in the regular company of some excellent local mentors who she respects. I think she just reached the point where she could no longer marry up the behaviour of many churches, or the simplistic nature of their publicly declared “good news” with her daily experience as a young intelligent cosmopolitan woman. She’s just become a mum herself and I am praying that through my beautiful granddaughter she will begin to rediscover the Divine, in whatever form that presents itself (even if ultimately that’s not Christianity).
So even before I’ve read Nick’s Good News, I’m already blessed thank you, and if I find the courage and the right words for introducing it, I will share your gospel with my daughter.
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